Yandere Simulator Ddlc Mod Download

If the developer behind Yandere Simulator isn’t updating the game fast enough for you then there’s an easy fix for this. Fans of the game are now creating mods.

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Yandere Simulator Ddlc Mod Download

There are a huge amount of mods now available for Yandere Simulator that add new content to the game world. Just like with other games, these mods can provide a range of gameplay enhancements and improvements. There are also mods available to add more story to the game with linear challenges for players to complete.

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DO NOT ASK FOR PORTRAITS ON THIS PAGE, DOING SO WILL RESULT IN A WARNING. DO NOT REPORT BUGS FOR YANDERE DEV. 1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2 Student Mods 3 OC Mods 4 Rival Mods 5 Skins 6 Miscellaneous Mods This page is currently under construction, for now you can visit the pages listed below for smaller mods. Please follow these rules when submitting your mods. Phathom said that he got his start by playing DDLC mod, taking apart the code for it, and deciding he wanted to make a mod of his own. The subreddit is full of writers, coders and artists learning. Yandere Simulator was born as a stealth game developed for PC in 2014 and achieved great fame thanks to several YouTube. Your mission in the game is to control a schoolgirl named Ayano Aishi, but she is best known for her nickname Yandere Chan.

Installing mods for Yandere Simulator is a very simple process. Users of all mod experience levels shouldn’t have any issues with installing mods for the game.

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How to install a mod

Download Yandere Simulator Mod

Many mods for the game actually come with instructions on how to install it. If the mod doesn’t have his information then you can follow these instructions,

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1. Download the mod
2. Open the “YandereSimulator_Data” folder
3. Move the files into their respective places (The file names should make this obvious)
4. Launch the game (You may need to right click and select “Run in Administration Mode”
5. The game will load slower than normal due to the mods


Not all mods will work with the current version of the game.

All mods are created from a specific version of the game so older and newer versions of Yandere Simulator may be missing files that mod needs to run. This is the most complicated thing with using mods in games but as long as you check what version of the game the mod is for, there shouldn’t be an issues.

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Where to find mods

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There are two main locations where mods can be downloaded for Yandere Simulator. The website with the most mods is the Yandere Simulator Fanon Wiki; it contains a large range of mods with plenty of download links. Users can also find a handful of additional mods on Deviantart.